undergraduate research student talking and laughing while presenting poster at symposium

Undergraduate research

Watts College Undergraduate Research Program


Are you interested in determining and developing specific interests within your chosen field of study? Would you like to build skills and abilities while participating in hands-on projects with college faculty? Are you ready to gain knowledge outside the classroom that will help inside the classroom? Do you want to build your resume for an even stronger showing on graduate school applications or with future employers? Would you benefit from access to exclusive, interesting and useful presentations, trainings, guest speakers and social events? Does being part of a fun, supportive, community intrigue you? 

Then the Watts College Undergraduate Research Program is for YOU!

Quick facts:

  • Watts College students are highly encouraged to participate in research projects while in school. 
  • This program provides opportunities for undergraduate students to work with faculty, graduate students and other undergraduates on exciting and meaningful research projects.
  • Students will learn through direct experience and play an important role in current faculty research.
  • Students work 8-10 hours per week on research with faculty.
  • Students receive $500 for first semester, $750 for second semester and $1,000 every subsequent semester of participation in the program (students may elect to receive academic credit for the research instead of scholarship funds; additional steps required).
  • Spring, summer and fall semesters all count as semesters for the program.
  • Any student in good academic standing can participate in the program. 
  • Peer groups exist for support and collaboration.
  • The Watts College Undergraduate Research Fellowship is funded through the Dean’s Office.

Interested in getting involved?


Get Connected to a Current Project


Complete the General Interest Form



Faculty Information



The Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions began its Undergraduate Research Program in fall 2006. The program is designed to provide undergraduate students with research, presentation and publication experience. Faculty members within the Watts College of Public Service play a crucial role in helping undergraduate students engage in research. Any faculty member who wants or needs assistance with research is encouraged to work directly with an undergraduate student of their choosing.

The student receives a scholarship allocated at the beginning of each semester. For the first semester, a student receives a $500 scholarship. For the second semester, the amount is increased to $750 and for the third semester, and every semester thereafter, the student receives $1,000. Students are asked to work on research for 8-10 hours per week. The faculty member and student work together to determine location, hours and documentation of task completion.  Students can participate in research until they graduate.

Students are required to attend a kickoff meeting/information session to get necessary details and connect with the other participants. Students are also required to present their research each year at the Undergraduate Research Symposium typically held at the end of April. Each year, students are asked to prepare a research poster capturing their research experience. They then present their findings to faculty and peers.  

An RSVP link for the next Undergraduate Research Symposium will be sent to all faculty and qualifying students in the last week of March. Poster preparation sessions will be held during the fall and spring semesters. 


Upcoming Events


FALL 2024 



**Check back as more trainings, events, and opportunities will be added!



More Information

