Global engagement - black spheres connected by silver wires

Centers and research units

Our research centers cover a broad spectrum of civic policy and social innovation. Faculty, students and community partners work collaboratively on complex issues to find solutions that have impact locally and globally.

Click the name of each unit below to view a short description and reveal a link to their website. 

Hector Zelaya, Center Executive Director
Hector Zelaya
Center Executive Director

Bob Ramsey Executive Education is dedicated to improving the effectiveness of the people and organizations that serve communities. Through the center's programs and seminars, public service professionals can enhance their management and leadership competencies and can earn the Certified Public Manager®, Certified Municipal Clerk, or Master Municipal Clerk credential. The center also assists state, local, and tribal governments with the implementation of their staff development initiatives.

Thom Reilly, Center Director and Professor
Thom Reilly
Center Director and Professor

The Center for an Independent and Sustainable Democracy at Arizona State University aims to foster and support thoughtful, innovative research, policy briefs and forums around the state of American Democracy. The two-fold focus is on exploring nonpartisan reforms and redesigns of federal, state and local governance of electoral structures, and a deep dive examination of the independent voter.

James Herbert Williams, Center Director
James Herbert Williams headshot - fair-skinned man, smiling, bald, black blazer, blue collared shirt, green and blue tie
Center Director

The Center provides an integrated and comprehensive approach to the continuous improvement of permanency, safety and services to vulnerable children and families and to the optimal functioning of child welfare systems.

Kevin Wright, Center Director and Associate Professor
Kevin Wright headshot - fair-skinned man, smiling, brown hair, black blazer, light blue collared shirt, red tie
Center Director and Associate Professor

The Center enhances the lives of those living and working in the correctional system. It spans the boundary between those who serve in corrections and those who are served. The goal: a just and fair approach to corrections that repairs harm, restores people and promotes public safety.

Melanie Gall, Center Co-Director and Assistant Professor
Brian Gerber, Center Co-Director and Associate Professor
Melanie Gall headshot - fair-skinned woman, smiling, brown hair, glasses, black collared shirt, necklace
Center Co-Director and Assistant Professor
Center Co-Director and Associate Professor

Arizona State University’s Center for Emergency Management and Homeland Security brings together the vast knowledge and capacity available throughout the entire ASU enterprise to create innovative solutions for the mitigation, preparation, response, recovery and management of significant incidents or disasters – whether natural or man-made.

Julia Melkers, Center Director and Professor
Julia Melkers
Center Director and Professor

The Center for Organization Research and Design (CORD) promotes, supports and conducts fundamental research on public, nonprofit, and hybrid organizations and their design, focusing particularly, though not exclusively, on knowledge-based and science intensive-organizations.

Michael Scott, Center Director and Clinical Professor
Michael Scott headshot - fair-skinned man, smiling, gray hair, black blazer, white collared shirt, striped tie
Center Director and Clinical Professor

The Center works to advance the concept and practice of problem-oriented policing in open and democratic societies by making readily available information about ways in which police can more effectively address specific crime and disorder problems.

Eric Welch, Center Director and Professor
Eric Welch headshot - fair-skinned man, smiling, brown hair, gray collared shirt
Center Director and Professor

The Center for Science, Technology, and Environment Policy Studies (CSTEPS) serves as an international focal point for interaction among faculty, researchers, students and practitioners on ideas, problems and promises at the nexus of science, technology and the environment. Their work focuses on the study of science as a social phenomenon--science as the core of things that happen technologically, environmentally and through policy.

Gyan Nyaupane, Interim Director
Interim Director

The Center for Sustainable Tourism (CST) is devoted to studying the role of tourism in community development in order to strengthen its contribution to viable economic, social, and environmental systems.

David Swindell, Center Director and Associate Professor
David Swindell headshot - fair-skinned man, smiling, brown hair, blue collared shirt, maroon tie
Center Director and Associate Professor

A focal point for research on urban affairs, the Center for Urban Innovation is working to improve the quality of life in neighborhoods, cities and urban regions by promoting innovation in governance, policy and management. The Center also leads ASU's partnership in the Alliance for Innovation, an international network of progressive governments and partners committed to transforming local government by accelerating the development and dissemination of innovations.

Charles Katz, Center Director and Professor
Charles Katz headshot - fair-skinned man, smiling, dark gray hair, light blue collared shirt, gray blazer
Center Director and Professor

The Center for Violence Prevention and Community Safety specifically evaluates policies and programs, analyzes and evaluates patterns and causes of violence, develops strategies and programs, develops a clearinghouse of research reports and 'best practice' models, educates, trains and provides technical assistance, and facilitates the development of and construction of databases.

Anthony Howell, Associate Professor & Director
Anthony Howell
Associate Professor & Director

The Center's vision is to contribute to our understanding of how technology’s potential for innovation is realized in government and society; what roadblocks or negative effects must be addressed; and how to leverage for the public good the information and data made possible by technological advances.

Alberto Olivas, Center Executive Director
Alberto Olivas headshot - fair-skinned man, smiling, black hair and mustache, gray blazer, white collared shirt, blue tie
Center Executive Director

The Pastor Center honors Congressman Ed Pastor and his legacy of service in Arizona and the nation—and serves as an inspiration for the future generation of leaders. Located in the ASU Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions, the Center serves as a dynamic, student-centric hub of activity that promotes, publicizes, and encourages political engagement and public service among ASU students and the broader community.

Neil Websdale, Center Director and Professor
Placeholder Image
Center Director and Professor

The Family Violence Center is a non-partisan center that engages in research, public policy work, program evaluation, and education and training designed to eradicate family violence. We facilitate the creation and development of innovative multiagency and multi-stakeholder prevention initiatives that are global, interdisciplinary, civil and conciliatory, and inclusive, and that contribute to democratic and civic engagement and community building, and adhere to the rule of law, due process, and the principles of fair justice.

Flavio Marsiglia, Center Director and Regents Professor
Flavio Marsiglia headshot - fair-skinned man, smiling, bald, black blazer, blue-striped collared shirt, red-and-navy-striped tie
Center Director and Regents Professor

Institutions of higher education such ASU are generating scientific knowledge and evidence-based interventions that can produce lasting solutions to mitigate and address the root causes of unmet social needs. The Center serves as a bridge for universities locally and globally to help communities apply science-based interventions to solve pressing health and social problems.

Donald Siegel, Co-Executive Director and Foundation Professor
Donald Siegel headshot - medium-skinned man, brown hair, blue collared shirt
Co-Executive Director and Foundation Professor

The Global Center for Technology Transfer (GCTT) at ASU exists to bridge the gap between technology research and managerial practice and public policy formulation.

Robert F. Ashcraft, Center Executive Director and Saguaro Professor of Civic Enterprise
Robert Ashcraft headshot - fair-skinned man, smiling, white hair, blue-and-white-striped collared shirt, navy blazer
Center Executive Director and Saguaro Professor of Civic Enterprise

The ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation is a global leader in advancing understanding and effective philanthropic and nonprofit practice as a distinctive community development strategy. Through research, education, technical assistance and convening the center focuses on advancing nonprofit leaders and philanthropists to solve problems, to realize a community’s highest aspirations and to accelerate social impact.

Andrea Whitsett, Center Executive Director
Andrea Whitsett headshot - fair-skinned woman, smiling, brown hair, gray blazer, black shirt, pearl necklace
Center Executive Director

Morrison Institute for Public Policy is a statewide leader in examining critical issues for Arizona and the region, and is a catalyst for public dialogue. An Arizona State University resource, Morrison Institute uses nonpartisan research, analysis and public outreach to help improve the state's quality of life.

Jared Swerzenski, Center Director
Jared Swerzenski
Center Director

The mission of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Arizona State University is to provide university-quality learning experiences for adults ages 50 and over through diverse short courses and lectures, campus-based learning opportunities, and civic engagement initiatives.


Sabrina Oesterle, Center Director and Associate Professor
Sabrina Oesterle headshot - fair-skinned woman, smiling, gray hair, glasses on top of head
Center Director and Associate Professor

The Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Center's mission is to generate use-inspired knowledge through Community Based Participatory Action Research on the cultural determinants of health in order to prevent and reduce the burden of health disparities in the overall quality of life of communities of the Southwest.

Chandra Crudup, Center Interim Director and Clinical Associate Professor
Chandra Crudup
Center Interim Director and Clinical Associate Professor

The mission of the Studio for Creativity, Place and Equitable Communities is to leverage the power and possibilities of ASU as the New American University to integrate arts, culture and design in community development, planning and related fields in order to help redress historic inequities and create healthy, equitable, more just communities where all people can thrive. The Studio is a collaboration between Herberger Institute and the Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions (WCPSCS). 


Labs in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice

Stacia Stolzenberg, Lab Director and Associate Professor
Stacia Stolzenberg
Lab Director and Associate Professor

The Children in the Law Laboratory engages in rigorous and interdisciplinary research that focuses on how children interact with the legal system.

Dustin Pardini, Lab Director and Professor
Dustin Pardini headshot - fair-skinned man, brown hair, hands raised near face, black collared shirt
Lab Director and Professor

Research in the DEEP Lab focuses on the precursors and outcomes associated with the development of antisocial (e.g., violence, theft) and substance using behaviors from childhood to adulthood, as well as evaluating the impact that early psychosocial interventions can have on these problems. 

Edward Maguire, Lab Director and Professor
Edward Maguire
Lab Director and Professor

The Public Safety Innovation (PSI) Lab targets the key public safety challenges facing the nation and the world today. Relying on systematic research and evaluation, the Lab seeks to inform debates about reimagining public safety.

Kate Fox, Lab Director and Professor
Kate Fox
Lab Director and Professor

The goal of the Research on Violent Victimization (ROVV) lab is to conduct research to promote safer and healthier communities. ROVV specializes in research on reducing victimization among underserved populations in partnership with American Indian and migrant communities.

Stacia Stolzenberg, Lab Co-Director and Associate Professor
Adam Fine, Lab Co-Director and Assistant Professor
Stacia Stolzenberg
Lab Co-Director and Associate Professor
Adam Fine
Lab Co-Director and Assistant Professor

The Youth Justice Collaborative performs research that addresses the perspectives and challenges that youth face as victims, witnesses, and developing persons.


Offices in the School of Social Work

Christopher Sharp, Office Director and Clinical Assistant Professor
Christopher Sharp
Office Director and Clinical Assistant Professor

The mission of OAIP includes the development of a site where American Indian research and grant projects can be coordinated and monitored to ensure a focus that is beneficial to the tribes and one that reinforces a government-to-government approach. The mission also includes recruiting American Indian social work students and faculty, mentoring students, and providing American Indian people with a friendly reception within Arizona State University.

Mary-Ellen Brown, Office Director and Associate Professor
Mary-Ellen Brown headshot - fair-skinned woman, smiling, brown hair, black shirt, necklace
Office Director and Associate Professor

ASU’s Office of Community Health, Engagement, and Resiliency’s (ASU OCHER) mission is to co-create interventions with communities that focus on inherent strengths and assets that promote resiliency, especially with underserved communities of color, and to create or strengthen pathways of opportunity for all people to achieve their full potential.

Jill Messing, Office Director and Professor
Jill Messing headshot - fair-skinned woman, smiling, blonde hair, blue, yellow, white, and black floral shirt, earrings
Office Director and Professor

Under the guidance of AmeriCorps mission "to strengthen communities and build leaders through direct, team-based direct national community service."  This office's goal is to promote healthy relationships, to help domestic violence survivors stay safe in unsafe situations and ending the epidemic of domestic violence here in Arizona and nationwide.


The Office of Gerontological and Interprofessional Initiatives (OGII) was established to support and promote the preparation of baccalaureate and graduate social workers for professional practice with older adults and their families.

David Androff, Office Director and Professor
David Androff headshot - fair-skinned man, smiling, black hair and beard, glasses, gray collared shirt, black blazer, blue striped tie
Office Director and Professor

The mission of the Office of Global Social Work is to foster global connections and international relations by developing and sharing experiences and opportunities, good practices among social work practitioners, scholars, educators and students in a global environment.


The Office of Latino Projects is a social and economic justice resource center providing information, data, research, and policy analysis about issues affecting the Latino population in the U.S. and Southwest border communities.

Jose Ashford, Office Director and Professor
Jose Ashford headshot - medium-skinned man, dark gray hair and mustache, light blue collared shirt
Office Director and Professor

The Office of Offender Diversion and Sentencing Solutions (OODSS) promotes the use of scientific evidence in designing and evaluating sentencing policies and practices for pre-booking and post-booking diversion programs, pre-sentence and post-conviction proceedings, and offender reentry programs for adult and juvenile offenders.

Dominique Roe-Sepowitz, Office Director and Associate Professor
Dominique Roe-Sepowitz headshot - fair-skinned woman, smiling, blonde hair, pink shirt, necklace, earrings
Office Director and Associate Professor

The goal of the STIR office is to be a central source of research on domestic sex trafficking which will inform the decisions made by those who contact victims and perpetrators of sex trafficking including law enforcement and prosecutors, educators, medical services and social services.
