hands holding a paper house

Action Nexus on Housing and Homelessness

Donate to the Action Nexus

What is Shared Housing?

  • When two or more unrelated tenants live together, sharing common living space, and most often have their own room

What does Shared Housing do?

  • Maximizes access to existing 2-, 3-, and 4-bedroom housing options for ending homelessness

What is ASU's role?

  • Provide education and support to organizations wanting to use the shared housing model for their clients
  • Facilitate match making amongst organization client referrals

Why do we need Shared Housing?

  • Within the last year, over 1800 individuals within Maricopa County identified at coordinated entry that they would participate in Shared Housing
  • Opens-up affordable housing options, split rent reduces individual rent burdens -More housing options reduces length of time to move-in
  • Opportunity to decrease isolation and increase self-determination

Would you like your organization to receive training on how to provide the shared housing model for your clients?


Organizations participating in the Shared Housing Initiative:

UMOM logo
logo st joseph the worker




logo southwest


MercyCare logo


La Frontera Empact logo
Hom Inc logo
Copa Health logo


CBI logo









Are you a landlord or property manager interested in providing shared housing? Contact me!


Requirements for Shared Housing:

  • Currently working with a Case Manager, Housing Navigator, or Housing Specialist
  • Income that covers rent (Voucher, SSI, SSDI, Employment)
  • Desire to live with a roommate

Do you have income and are currently working with a Case Manager or Housing Navigator?

If so, you are eligible to participate in the Shared Housing Initiative. Please submit your information here:

Participation Form