ASU students, marching band members, cheerleaders, and Sparky the Sun Devil walking down Palm Walk

Graduate students

Prospective Student Contact:

The Watts College Recruitment Team is here to provide admissions guidance and support to prospective students. 

Schedule an appointment directly with an admissions recruiter a number of ways:

By phone: (602) 496-7827

By email:

Continue your academic growth

Watts College of Public Service & Community Solutions is excited to have you continue your education with us. Once you have selected the degree program you are interested in pursuing, we encourage you to submit your application and any required materials as soon as possible.

Each program is unique. While some master's degree program applications require the basic materials, be aware that others may require additional materials (GRE scores or recommendation letters), so be sure to read through your program application requirements carefully. The standard processes and procedures for graduate degree applications have been outlined by the ASU Graduate College. Detailed program information can be found on the degree program page, as well as on the College and School sites.

ASU's minimum admissions standards for graduate, certificate and doctoral programs:

  • You must have earned a bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited institution in the U.S. or the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s degree from an international institution that is officially recognized by that country.
  • You must have maintained a “B” (3.00 on a 4.00 scale) grade point average (GPA) in the last 60 semester hours or 90 quarter hours of undergraduate course work. If you do not meet the minimum GPA requirements, your application may still be considered.
  • International students should be aware of the additional admissions standards.

As a graduate student, you should know that costs and funding for your education may be different from your undergraduate experience. Make sure you take advantage of the financing assistance opportunities and materials being offered by ASU.