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Civic and Political Engagement Conference / Workshop / Professional Development



Indicate your academic progress 

Provide title and department

Title Department
4. Event Information
Event Location
Put together a budget for your expenses, and specify how much you are requesting for funding support and what other (if any) funding you will be using.
How will your participation prepare you for more effective advocacy or civic or political engagement?
How will your participation benefit the greater ASU community? (e.g. will you give classroom talks, presentations, train other students, organize an event, etc.?)     
What other funding sources (if any) will you be using to support your participation in this program?
If you have already registered for or applied to attend this event, please include or forward your confirmation or acceptance of your application to If not, and are requesting support for the registration or application fee, include that information as well.

10. Requirements:

Recipients of Professional Development funding support from the Pastor Center for conference/workshops or other PD opportunities agree to a) fulfill travel and event plans as stipulated in the application, and b) agree to submit a brief report following the event.

Recipients that fail to fulfill these requirements may be required to return the awarded funds to the Center.

    1. Fulfill Travel & Event Participation Plans:
      Attend and fully participate in the event as specified in the application – any changes to travel or event plans detailed in the application must be conveyed to the Pastor Center immediately.

    2. Submit Post-Event Report:
      Within 2 weeks of completing the professional development activity specified in the application, funding award recipients agree to submit an Event Report to the Pastor Center. This report may be used in online and print publications, and in social media posts highlighting the Pastor Center’s support of student/faculty/staff civic engagement and civic leadership. The report will also be shared with the family of the late Congressman Ed Pastor in gratitude for his gift to ASU.

The report should be 1-2 pages long, and include (at minimum) the following:

  • Description of the event and mission of host organization
  • Description of your goals or objectives in choosing to participate in this event
  • Description of your experience including how the event met (or failed to meet) your expectations, goals, objectives, etc.
  • Attach or provide links to photos and/or video of yourself at the event, significant activities, or anything else that you feel would meaningfully convey the impact of your participation.

By signing or writing my name below, I affirm that I have read, understood, and agree to the terms indicated above as conditions for receiving funding support for the professional development opportunity specified in this application.




Type your Full Name Below


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