As school districts around the country ramp up to welcoming students back in person full time, the National Institutes of Health put out a call to fund additional research projects to identify ways of safely returning students and staff to in-person school in areas with vulnerable and underserved populations.
Off campus
Snapchat, Kik, dating apps — whatever the latest technology craze, Christi Decouflé is constantly downloading and learning it. But it has little to do with any personal social media habits. For Decouflé, a detective at the Phoenix Police Department, it’s part of the job.
“Wherever the younger generation is, that’s where the predators go,” she said.
The Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions is in the planning stages of implementing the One Square Mile Initiative, a program that aims to benefit one of the youngest and most populous communities in Phoenix: Maryvale.
The initiative is to help students in Maryvale achieve higher education by setting aside money for scholarships, internships and study abroad opportunities.