Social science

Two Arizona State University School of Public Affairs professors began work this fall in national leadership positions in prestigious research and education organizations.

Mary Feeney, a full professor and Lincoln Professor of Ethics in Public Affairs, is the new program director of the Science of Science: Discovery, Communication and Impact Program at the National Science Foundation (NSF).

More than 2.7 million American children are directly affected by the current incarceration of a parent or loved one. Many of them, as well as their relatives and peers, lack the resources to deal with the associated feelings of shame and stigmatization.

Arizona State University's Center for Child Well-Being and the ASU Library have put together a collection of 64 books designed to help Arizona’s nearly 100,000 children of parents who are incarcerated better cope with their feelings.

New research from Arizona State University has found that it’s cheaper to build permanent, supportive housing for people who have chronic mental illness than it is to let them become homeless.

A study done by the Morrison Institute for Public Policy has, for the first time, quantified the cost savings at about $21,000 per year for each chronically mentally ill person who has stable housing and support services, breaking the expensive cycle of emergency room visits, police interactions and incarceration.

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