
Dale Larsen, professor of practice and director of community relations for Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions, has been voted as Chairman of the Arizona State Parks Board for a 2nd consecutive year. Larsen was recently nominated by Governor Ducey to fulfill a new 6 year term on the State Parks Board. The nomination was approved and confirmed by the full State Senate during the current legislative session.

Welcoming Arizona State University emeritus professors and artists from diverse academic and artistic disciplines as well as local community artists, ASU’s Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions hosted its annual Emeritus Art Show on February 25, 2019—a successful reminder of the partnership between Watts College and the Emeritus College.

University-wide event to spotlight remarkable work being done in all corners of ASU, help build a shared sense of community

The rankings proclaim it. The double-decker bus wraps brag about it. And now the Arizona State University community is coming together to celebrate it: Innovation Day on Friday, Nov. 16, is a university-wide celebration of the efforts of faculty, staff and students to try new things and take on grand challenges.

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